Sunday, June 23, 2013


नींद लंबी हो गई, तो ठंड की गलती
छोटी रह गई, तो सूरज की ।
सड़क पे गढ्ढे, तो शहर की गलती
गढ्ढों में कीचड़, तो मौसम की ।
कद ठीक नहीं, तो परिवार की गलती
बाल झड़ने लगें, तो पानी की ।
तंख्वा कम है, तो कंपनी की गलती
काम बेकार है, तो मैनेजर की ।
बड़ा घोटाला, तो सरकार की गलती
लिपि-पुती खबरें, तो मीडिया की ।
नौकरियां कम हैं, आबादी की गलती
ऐड्मीशन कम, तो आरक्शण की ।
आवाज़ खराब हुई, सिगरेट की गलती
आदतें, तो नौकरी की ।
दारू ज़्यादा हो गई, तो दोस्तों की गलती
कम रह गई, तब भी उनहीं की ।

जनाब कभी आपने स्वयं भी कोई गलती की है?

Saturday, July 7, 2012

एक वक़्त की बात बतायें

जब साथ थे, तो महफिलें रोज़ रोशन थी
अब शाम क्या, और जाम क्या, सब यूसुअल है ।

जब साथ थे, तो खाली जेब शहंशाह थे
अब हर तंख्वा में इनकम टैक्स बड़ा खलता है ।

जब साथ थे, तो हँस हँस के पेट दर्द हो जाता था
अब हँसने के लिए विदेशी सिट्कोम देखा करते हैं ।

जब साथ थे, तो हर बार फेल होते होते रह गए
अब सब एम-टेक, एम-एस, एम-बी-ए हो चले हैं ।

जब साथ थे, तो सारे होपलेस रोमैनटिक्स थे
आज सबका इट्स कॉम्प्लीकेटेड चल रहा है ।

जब साथ थे, तो हर सीज़न फ्रेंड्स का ही था
अब फ्रेंड्स का एक एक सीज़न बटोरना पड़ता है माँग  माँग कर ।

जब साथ थे, तो बड़े कमीने मालूम पड़ते थे
आज भी सुधरा तो उनमें से एक भी न होगा
पर सुधर गए तो साले पराये से लगेंगे यार अपने ।।  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

दो आंसू

जब भी ज़िन्दगी में ये दिल घबराया
जब आँखों को अपना ही अश्क नज़र आया
जब हम ही हमारे हमसफ़र हो गए
फीके पड़े जब रंग पुराने नए

कमी जब किसी ग़म की न रही
हमने सोचा, दो आंसू और सही

पलकें जब बारिशों में नाम होती थी
नींदें जब सन्नाटों में खोती थी
जब भी न दिखा क्या है उस पार
जब भी सोचा - बस रो लें आखिरी बार

घंटों जब ख्वाहिशें पलकों से बही
हमने सोचा, दो आंसू और सही

हमे कभी खुल के रोना नहीं आया
औरों की ख़ुशी में शरीक होना नहीं आया
कोशिशें जब भी हालात से हार जाती
हर सांस जब गाल भिगो जाती

जब भी कहा खुद से - कल तक जियें या नहीं
हमने सोचा, दो आंसू और ही सही...||

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Piercing hard on my naked skin
Like needles carved out of ice,
Or like the penetrating, heart-melting
Stares of your God-made eyes.

Black water oozes through to my heart
Inside the cavern, an ancient pain thrives
I look up, tightly closing my eyes
Being afraid to death, of the celestial knives

Running a burning sensation down your cheeks
Hot tears in the cold rain, you can't hide
I repent, I despise, I curse the shower
Can't see you anymore, by my side

The sky shines like an apocalypse
Or the blood colour of my eyes
Corroding, shivering, brazen under the heaven
I stand, clutching, cherishing my own demise

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Last Rain

Like the touch of rain she was
On a man's flesh and hair and eyes
When the joy of walking thus
Has taken him by surprise

In the warmth of her love, he burns,
He sings, he laughs, well I know how,
He melts to get fused to her
As the rain says 'I'll go now'

Those two words shut a door
Between me and the blessed rain
Who was never there before
And will not ever, be again.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Insomnia, Claustrophobia and You

Those days, when you blinked
Your eyes had that shine
I could feel my insides lit
I could claim you were mine.

When you spoke, it was music
When you laughed, 'twas rain
Your scents intoxicated me
You freed me of pain.

Now I'm seeking droplets of laughter
In your dried and sore eyes
My voice does not reach you anymore
It just echoes, chokes, and dies.

Insomnia, claustrophobia have resumed
So has the weeping under the shower
Ages back, 'twas the wait for you
Tonight, waiting for it to be over.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

आखिरी ख्वाहिश

पानी ठहर गया है
छू के कुछ लहरें बना दो
शायद किनारे तक जा पाऊं

तेल ख़त्म हो चला है
इससे पहले की काला पड़ जाऊं
एक फूँक में बुझा दो

धूप में खूब सूख, जल चुका
अबकि बरसो, तो बहा ले जाओ
बसंत का इंतज़ार तो ना रहेगा

एक दफा ज़ोर से छेड़ दो
आखिरी तार भी तोड़ दो
बड़ा तनहा है बेचारा

स्याही भी ख़त्म हो चली है
लिखाई धुंधली हो रही
आखिरी दो पन्ने फाड़ देना

Monday, July 28, 2008


A half-sized room
A half-decayed door
A half-working shower
A half-lit bulb
A half-open tap
A half-filled bucket
A half-broken heart
A half-wet full-naked human body

Two half-flooded eyes . . .

Saturday, July 5, 2008

मैं और तुम

मैंने तो कभी तांम्बे का सिक्का भी न छुआ होगा
और तुम सोने की बाली
मैं रंग उड़ा बादल
बरसो से बंद ताले के पीछे
बरसना-वरसना भूल चुका
तुम अभी शाम की भीनी धूप में उभरता इन्द्रधनुष

मैं तपती धूप में सड़क पे नंगे पाँव चलता निर्झर
न नीर है, न ही झर सकूँ
कुछ थोडी-मोड़ी बूँदे
बाकी वही तलहटी के कंकड़-पत्थर
तुम वर्षा के बाद
साफ़-सुथरे आसमान पे पहली पहली पतंग

मैं काली रात में दीवाना झिलमिल तारा
उस एक चाँद के प्यार में पागल
जिसे पूरा जग चाहता है
ये भी न मालूम की जब सवेरे
सूरज चाँद को निगल जाएगा
तब तारे को अपने नूर का सुरूर भी न नसीब हो पायेगा

मैं भँवरा, ओस की बूँद पे मर मिटा
जो पौ फटे फिजा में घुल जायेगी

तुमने भी तो देखा होगा?
तनिक ऊंची डाल पर बैठी चिड़िया

चोंच भर बादल दबोच कर घोंसले में रख लेना चाहती है
क्यूँ, आजकल क्या ख्वाब भी सही-ग़लत होने लगे हैं?

और फ़िर वे कहते हैं सब जायज़ है
मोहब्बत और जंग में,
पर क्या हम मध्य-वर्गीय लोग
अपनी पाँच फुट सात इंच की जिंदगी में
मोहब्बत और जंग के अलावा भी कुछ करते हैं?

तो क्या इस जिंदगी में सब कुछ जायज़ है?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

खेल खेल मे

जब बचपन था
अल्हड़-सा मन था
खिड़की पे रेंगती रौशनी नही
धूप मे नहाता आँगन था
कलाई पर लगे टैटू मे
जूतों मे लगी बत्तियों मे
किताबों मे छुपाई नंदन मे
झूठ-मूठ के क्रंदन मे
हँसी मे खेल मे
प्लास्टिक वाली रेल मे
झांकता भरपूर जीवन था

अब जब जवान हैं
कहने को बुद्धिमान हैं
माँ की चिंता, पिता की सीख
पेपर ख़राब हो, टीचर की भीख
प्रियजनों की आशाए,
गुरुजनों की भाषाये
जेब, जॉब और जनाना
कैंटीन की मैगी, मेस का खाना
सिगरेट का धुँआ, बीयर की झाग
तेल ख़त्म है, रूई को जलाती, टिमटिमाती आग

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

first touch . . .

that very first touch
and my heart broke free

that very first touch
and my eyes couldn't see

that very first touch
my heart melting in the heat

that very first touch
and my heart skipped a beat

that very first touch
and your eyes had a shine

that very first touch
i couldn't believe you were mine

that very first touch
oh! 'twas your breath or my

that very first touch
your lips surrender, eyes still shy

that very first touch
and i forgot how to be

that very first touch
look, what you've done to me

that very first touch
alas! that hour went so fast

that very first touch
oh my!! first touch, at last!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

soon . . .

Soon, yes soon, we'll have our chance,

To embrace each other in love's dance.
A dance which I'll take her hand and show,
The love she's yet to know.
And yes, we'll know it with that kiss,
The first look of tender bliss.
The hug and warm embrace will say it all,
The fear and doubts we've had will fall,
Fall from the precipice into the abyss,
With that first sweet tender kiss.

Monday, August 20, 2007


बूढ़ी आदत , बासा शौक
सपनों पे बारिश की छौंक
पहली मेहनत , पहली धौंक
मुर्दा बस्ती , रौशन चौक....

काला लहू , अखिरी कतरा
मौत खोजता जिंदा बजरा
काले आँसू , गहरा दाग
कैसी होली ? कैसी फाग ?....

बेशर्मो का मर्यादित चकला
व्यभिचारी नजरों क हमला
बेकारी - रस्मों का जुमला
लजाई साँझ , रात की अबला...

मीठी अंगीठी , कड़ुआ पानी
मेरी कहानी ,तेरी जबानी
भूखे बादल , खारे नैना
चढ़ती रैना , लुटते चैना...

बूढ़ा चूल्हा , धुँआ खांसता
कालिख पुती चाँदनी बाँछ्ता
रात खटोला खूब काँखता
सन्नाटे का जिस्म काँपता...

पिघली धड़कन , बुझती आह
अतह सिमटती ,जलती छाँह
दुःस्वप्नों में उलझी राह
खुदको ठगती , लोभन चाह....

घाट , कुँआ , अमिया, पगडंडी.
ताजा गुड़ ,गन्ने की मंडी
इठलाते बरगद की ठंडी
बंधी अकेली- भगवा झंडी....


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Black Magic

When I think of your eyes
I know some day they're going to kill me
But even if my ashes line your eyes
It'll be the first thing I'd want to be

Those magical eyes, always on my mind
Wherever I am, whatever I do
Like they're the center of the universe
And my world revolves around those two

Whenever I see myself in those jewels
I start loosing my mind
Questions keep flooding my heart
But no answer that I can find

That the look in those eyes
Will it ever be mine?
And is my love reason enough?
To gift them glitter, to make them shine

When I am alone, and without you
Your eyes are but still around
I see your face in every flower
Hear your voice in every sound

I wonder how lovely life can be
To live forever, just for those eyes
To see them open to dawn and rain
And close leaving the pink dusk skies

I know I can go forever like this
Dreaming, loving, thinking of those timid lights
What else have I been doing dear
Those restless days and sleepless nights?

But again, this selfish human heart inside
Asks me back, what is it, that your eyes hide?
Like I don't know, what's written on them
O my! Wish I could read that black pearled gem

Those eyes have powers to rule the cosmos
Look through me, and kill my pains
I am sure one day they'll see beyond my surface
I'll wait, I'll wait till life remains...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Promise

i can't see, but my heart knows
inside you, how the pain grows
every drop of tear you shed
i feel my cheeks burning instead
i want to die, taking with me, your pains
leaving you behind, free from all chains

my soul collapses, my heart is breaking
yet far more pains that you are taking
a final solution to tears may not yet be known
but you know you just need some time, on your own

the lover inside me, save him from dying
he can but die for you, can't just see you crying
i am hallucinating now, can hear you weep
but my world is a cobweb, i've got promises to keep

whole long day, i made friends with the knife
but how the hell will that help you, if i take my life
i know perhaps you don't love me, or may be even you don't know
but my breathes start falling, if i think of letting you go

i'll stand by you forever, just for a glimpse for your smile
i've thought too much, i know, without you, i am fragile
i may or may not have joys for you, but can take away your sorrows
i am going to give you my life, i'll live or not, God knows

- i cud have had twenty more poems published after this date but all wud have looked damnly similar.... so just one of the ones...

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Despite the place,
That I'm now in,
This corner of my life,
That tells where I've been...

Despite the set backs,
That I face,
Or of the tears,
That leave a trace...

Despite the time,
That distance brings,
Or life's little quirks,
And all other things...

Despite that fact,
That I still live,
Memories of a past,
I can't forgive...

Despite the rains,
That flood the trail,
Despite life's winds,
A force of gale...

Despite the moon,
Laying hidden behind,
The tracks I time,
Within my mind...

Despite harsh words,
Whispered aloud,
Or of the sun,
Behind the clouds...

Despite the way,
Life comes about,
My love for you,
There is no doubt...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

she... my first love

its not very easy
to look up to her
her beauty may blind your eyes
but you can feel the pleasure she bestows

she's love, my first love
since i was a child
since i first knew what she was

and she loves me too
comes down often,
to wash off all bruises
to melt in my embraces
to make love
i dance, to her tune
i stretch, to touch
as much of her as i can

yes she was my first love
and still is..
she's mine, as she's yours

she's rain... just rain.

Monday, March 12, 2007


look into my eyes
you'll see your face
smiling, at you
coz you still don't see
someone, looking at thee

listen to me sing
you'll hear your heartbeats
dancing to the very tune
and you still don't hear
you haven't given up fear

think of me crying
can you stop your tears?
they'll not listen to you
but you still put it strong
these loves, they may go wrong

and now,
look into the mirror
are you alone, for sure?
isn't there someone looking at you?
listening to you?
smiling at you?
crying for you?
dreaming of you?
thinking, loving, wanting you
have a look into the mirror
and you'll see him
inside you

he has nothing
nothing but this hope
and you have him, completely.
don't let him die,
die within you
coz he's lived once
and loved only once
and will never again.

come, fall in love with me
trust me this once
its not that difficult dear
let life be, what it wants to be
come, fall in love with me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I love you my angel...(a guest composition)

You are the angel
That lifted me high
Above the grass and sea
To the sky!

You are the angel
That lit me afire
Ablaze with passion
Endlessly higher!

You are the angel
That brought me romance
Spinning my still days
Into a dance!

You are the angel
My gentle, sweet dove
Keeping my every day
Filled with love

You are my angel
My angel of love

"waiting for u"

-- yours JUSMYTH

this one..., as the name suggests was written by someone i know, for someone he knows and is posted here may be to suggest that i do appreciate others also..
anyways, read it and love it... as i did.

pink wound and black rain

fighting our worst fears
leaving behind red tears

opening those sealed windows
chasing our own shadows

leaning against cold blood
crying for some black rain

the violet flash passes by
the wound is pink, and so is the pain

don't ask for love anymore
ask for some more life

and stop searching your reflections
at the sharpened edge, of the knife

cut your throat deep and hard
kneel down and pray for death
see the serpentiine in my eyes
hissing of the breeze is not a myth

if your eyes can't bear any more
pull those balls out of the sockets
stop looking for excuses,
stop searching empty pockets

-its not me alone reflected in the above lines, its me and perhaps one of my closest ones, pushpendra, with our thoughts tangled and wound striving perhaps to pretend being a poetry somewhat...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

words for you

if you love me dear
then i hate you for loving me
and if you hate me
i love you for that

stop staring,
my reflection in your eyes
haunts me now
and yet i can't resist catching your glances
those penetrating ones
the ones no one else seems to notice
and yet i am the one confused
and down, and dark, and doomed
for no good reason you see

people shut up!
your discussions are deafening
i've been longing
to say this to all
all those who think they care
for me:
f*** you!

and to you, my dear
if you think you are in love with me
then i'll let you die in my love
and if you think you are not
then please don't go to hell
coz i no more want to see your shadow around.

-why have i written this in such a fashion, who is it meant to, why have i put this pic up.... all these i don't feel like answering. only one thing that those who know me can claim i rarely despise people, and that the above work was not written by someone in love, for someone he loved!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Inferiority Complex

Yes, that's what i am
inferior, inadequate
but i didn't choose it dear
that's what's my fate.

he didn't make me for you
why don't you understand?
i've put what i had
see! nothing remains in my hand.

when i know it won't work out
there's no point in trying
i'll not survive another failure
i can sense my throat drying

some've already fallen short
i see my turn now
that's what i preached:
it's no use to stay anyhow

i've thought, and wept, and calculated
i still fall short of what it takes
perversity, or whatever you put it as
i know, this is inferiority complex.

-again a sort of mystery-mixed-work. i know nothing of that sort is reflected in those lines but this work in whole has two entirely different addressees and hence two entirely different meanings.....
hats off to "baba" for guessing it right straitaway.. no prizes though, coz i've been prettty open to him.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Kill My Thought

Devoid me of thought
that'll be the end of grief
the solution to pain
or..."peace", to be brief.

can't sleep any more at nights
can't kill the pain with a drink
shadows keep haunting me
all because, i think

my mind is playing tricks on me
and my heart, creating traps
i am being ruled by fake emotions
and am hallucinating mishaps

you may find me a little weird
and i accept that too
but i am scared of you all
i see wolves in you

being close to death may be difficult
but feeling that you are, is more
then you think you are losing it
but again, how to be sure?

i'll get rid of all love and joy,
and envy, and fear and lust
may be i'll get rid of myself too
but help me, kill my thought first!


The spotlight is blinding me
my eyes are sore
I've had it enough
can't take any more.

its nice to be important
and important to be nice
but when you try out for both
huh! you'll pay the price.

i've forgot what i was
or what i wanted to be
even my shadow has left
what remains behind, is only me.

please stop looking at me
i can't survive this way
leave me alone in the dark
and let destiny have its say

try to forget that i was
wipe me off completely
i want to know how it'd be
"the world" minus "me", discretely

my heart is beating real hard
that means i am not dying
i want to be buried deep
have had too much of flying

take me as granted
significance pains a lot
bring some gunner, dear,
i'm small,'ll take only one shot!

Friday, January 12, 2007

my first date

I want to name the following as... My First Date (though someone, somewhere, on hearing that name, would be dying to lay her hands around my throat, press them together, and finish it once and for all)

To be or not to be, is the question.
Now don't ask me what it means, coz even I don't know.
and why, did I say that? well....had I not said it you wouldn't have asked the question[:D]

no, I'll start a bit formally. I mean later, it may go all hoch-poch but first..

all the characters and incidences mentioned in the following "story" are absolutely real and not at all fictious. Any resemblence with some event or person, living or dead, doesn't mean that I copied it from somewhere!

So in my diwali holidays, i was home for only 4 days and after having talked to her at Kali Bari(its a temple place) for 2 hrs... and having thought about that for the next two weeks, i was really eager to meet her. ya, i'll not forget to credit Divij for playing a major role in that eagerness with all those... "kya PC!", "aise kaam nahi bantaa" and also thank god that i had enough balance in my cellphone coz it charges u Rs2.00 per min to call from airtel to reliance. and so, i called.
"i am standing pretty near to your college. Tum kahaan ho?"
"ha ha!! Ghar par hun. its holiday stupid. Main bhai ke saath diwali ki lights lagaa rahi hun!"
(the very first setback)
I thought when was the last time I did what she was doing and what actually “the son” is supposed to be doing at his home.
then all that usual crap bout family.. and study and friends..
i cleared my throat
"yaar kahin milte hain na... tumhara birthday tha.. n i wished you. that calls for a treat."
(look at that idiot, asking a girl and mentioning at first place that she'll have to pay the bills!)
"tumhari JEE ki treat ka kya hua?"
"ok we'll have a combined treat" i tried to make up for the last line.
"hmm.., u decide the place n i'll tell the time".
"o come on, i don't live here anymore. mujhe kya pata what's good".
"ok i'll msg u by evening".
I had to say,"k then... bye" Ohhh!! i really hate saying that to her.

i checked my inbox for perhaps the 1000th time that evening, before sleeping at bout 2:00 am. and still the last msg was from Vivek.

The Diwali morning, 10:00am:
Maa was quite surprised to see me eager to bath early and go to the roof, obviously i'll like to be alone while calling her.
I thought of that old phrase “pareeksha ki ghari” but fortunately, she called and that too, from a landline no. though I earned some points(at least that’s what I think) by recognizing her voice easily.
her voice came in, "yaar i'll not be able to go too far, so let it be at the Pawan's near your place, at 5:00".
wasn't i glad?

i ate too much that afternoon. slept a bit late and woke up to see the clock ticking at 5:00pm.
ayyy, doesn't really matter. i've heard girls are always late. i ran to get a shave first. being inexperienced in the business, i often have to hear a lot from my Dad. So here’s the dramatic scene: the face full with shave gel and as i touched the razor to my cheek, the phone rang. i ran to reach it before DD could. it was her msg. "stupid kahaan ho!! 10 min se khadi hun road par befkoof ki tarah!"
"Ouch!" something hurt! O Shit! my cheek was bleeding. it was that new pimple that the razor uprooted. and Daddy was all over me. He was shouting at his maximum voice,"I have told u a hundred times to have shave in the parlour. u don't have the least idea what this can lead to......#!$#@$#@%$&^*^&((*)&*$%#!@%$^%....."
i washed my face without shaving and was on the street at 5:20 when another sms struck"forget it! i am leaving. i'll wait upto 5:30 only".
it was bout half a km. i ran at the max of my breath. an idea struck! i bought a chocolate "mini"(yaar i don't earn yet, can't afford more that a "mini") gift pack for fifty odd bucks and reached Pawan's at 5:27 on my watch.

"what for these chocolates?" the red-hot face shouted at me. "u think this would make up for u coming half an hour late?"she added.
"i thought that but only until i saw your face, actually you see, its your birthday gift..belated. rakh lo yaar, at least mere saamne. Baad me bhale hi mat khaana."
"would you like a cold- drink?"she asked, just to break the deadly silence, I think.
"mera galaa kharaab hai", my usual answer.
"then lets have coffee".
i almost laughed. Actually I saw "pyaar ke side effects" last night and i am taking it for granted that the reader too has seen it. I tried my very best to avoid her noticing the stupid expression on my face.
"but the restaurant is closed", she said.
(setback no.2)
"ok lets walk up to the Brijwasi.."i suggested in sheer optimism. now you could see a girl, walking with a chocolate pack in one hand, and a helmet(she came on her scooty which is eventually, going to play a major role as the story progresses) in the other, and adjusting her appearance every now and then; and a guy, about 2 metres away from the girl, with both hands inside the pockets of his bottom folded(note these folds) jeans. as it should have been, this one was also closed. just the sweets were there.
"should we go for some other one inside the main market?" was her next words. now how the hell would i know the answer?
"its too crowdy today, on diwali". and i praised my quick thinking that Dad was somewhere in that market and i said at home, earlier, that i was going to meet Manish. And believe me, my father is smart enough to know that “ladkiyon ka naam Manish nahi hota”.

"chalo fir ya to city ki taraf chalte hain", came in her advice.
"ya, i am game. that'll be cool. only that..."
"i don't have any vehicle at home right now"
"my scooty will do. You surely can ride it?"
how could i say i haven't ever tried it.
I said,"actually, i lack both licence, and confidence".
(setback no.3, keep counting)
"and i have both", she blushed-type-smiled.
"u mind sitting behind...?" she asked in doubt.
"no, not at all", I said quickly. how can you say no to that pretty a face?

so, there i was, sitting as far i could from her, on a vehicle with just enough space for two.
i remembered the similar scene from last night's movie and just to start talking, asked "have you seen Pyaar Ke Side Effects?"
just the next moment, I realized what an idiot I was! I mean if she did notice me smiling when she asked for the coffee and now somehow, if she actually relates that incident to the question I asked, I am sure this write-up would have finished with the signature- “Late Prabal Chakraborty”. God is good sometimes, aisa kuchh nahi hua.

as i have always believed, u end up with an announcement on the loudspeaker whenever u try to be restricted to a whisper. didn't get it? the way to city goes from very near of my home. though nothing problematic occured there. a little further, we were pretty slow due to the traffic and i felt someone staring really hard. it was my Didi's student's father. though he is much younger than it would have sounded but after all, he was more of a friend to Dad than to me. and, he did see me at Kali Bari also that day, and not to mention, with the same girl. only this time, matters seemed worse.

that's not all i encountered on the road. two of my "idiot" friends(u'll see why i used that adjective) were on a bike, returning from city side, may be rave, or wherever. and despite the rush, my long hair and the relative "velocity", they recognized their dear friend and within a minute came the sms:"kahaan jaa rahe ho guru? wo bhi itni jaldi me. iraada kya hai?" i had no option but to reply:"yaar plz chase mat karna. just goin to a resto. nothing much. i'll explain all when i return. plz yaar, samjha kar". the guys were sensible enough(oh!thank god) to understand and i got over another hurdle.

it was about a 3-4km journey to Pandit's and she halted the scooty about 30-40m away from the main gate due to the crowd at its entrance which also suggested that it was open. already i noticed the glances. i mean i got to mention, she's really beautiful. plz try not to laugh at what happened next. that male-ish behaviour u know, to just jump off the vehicle and make yourself look smarter by being athletic. i rested my left foot on the ground, threw the right one behind, in the air and before i could detach myself completely from the scooty, the folds of my jeans got too intimate to the kick(or may be it was the stand, i just don't know and neither do i want to know) and
"O.... O...... " DHADAAM!!
she could do nothing but just stand and stare.
she was still standing holding her vehicle staring down at me in confusion when some people, or as i call them:"jaagrook naagrik" rushed to help me off the ground. though i got up before the scene got worse, i noticed her face really red. can't say she was blushing or angry or whatever!
i couldn't help producing a stupid-looking-laugh.

now then, the crowd there was because they were giving diwali gifts to the customers purchasing sweets worth 500 and not because the restaurant was open. they said they could provide packed-food though. but how the hell did it matter?
this time she spoke, "maine pehle hi kaha tha, fir kabhi chalenge. nayiiii! aaj hi chalna hai! lo ab kaho kya kehna hai? aur mujhe ghar par kitne saare kaam bhi the!" i thought, shaayad isi ko kehte hain “sabra ka baandh tootna”
"haan chalo maan liya, saari galti meri hai, saare galat decisions mere, jo maine liye wo bhi aur jo maine nahi liye wo bhi. main hi to filhaal ghar par bekaar hun. tum to mummy ki good girl ho. ghar pe saare kaam karti ho, time se college jaati ho, ladko se zyaada baat nahi karti ho. main hi bas befkoof hun. ab theek hai?" I said all of it in one breath.
there was silence on the other side. I thought thoda zyaada ho gaya shaayad.

at last the two of us were clever enough to understand that none of the restaurants will be found open today and that i knew that she won't agree to go as far as the McD's at rave. there was no point suggesting.

another 15-20 min later we were sitting on a wooden bench(made perhaps, for the fellow shopkeepers) placed outside Maa Vaishno Bakery(its not as small as it sounds, its a pretty well made one) with one cold-drink each. i felt that it has been almost a 30 odd minutes since we last talked. in fact i even didn't have a good look at her after all that mishap at the Pandit's. i paid the bill, and as i stepped outside and was thinking on the idea of a "sorry-yaar" type thing, she was looking straight at me and i unknowingly, did the same. both of us had a serious i-will-kill-u-look and suddenly she broke up in a wild sort of laugh.
"just have a look at your face...ha ha, tumko kya hua kya tha? Tum gir kaise gaye the?”
Again that stupid i-know-i-am-an-idiot smile on my face.

then nothing interesting happened as we walked a bit. this time. I mentioned I'll write all that happened as "my first date" and she literally shouted, "date? u call this a date!"
"and please yaar Prabal, i've already told u: we are just friends ok. i mean i don't want to hurt you but u see, you have got what u desired in life, that IIT tag, but i got to go a long way before i can even think of going along, with someone."
"o come on," i came in quickly "i didn't mean it that way. i mean its been a long time since we both made ourselves clear to each other. aur main ab aisa kuchh bhi nahi keh raha hun ma’am. i remember my promise. par yaar kuchh readable likhne ke liye thoda imaginative to hona hi padhta hai. just a bit of mirch-masala. and i am not talking it as far as... hmm.. i mean like..." and i ended up making a fake sound as if trying to clear my throat. I don’t think she noticed.

and then, to keep it up to "allz well that ends well", though I don’t know whether this was a good end to the disastrous “date” and again, in that same unwilling fashion I said "bye, fir jab december me aaunga, tab kisi dhang ki jagah pe chalenge". Yaar usko bye bolte waqt ye pet-dard kyun hone lagtaa hai, abhi tak to theek hi tha. Anywayzzzz…..,

and then i was back home(with my explanations for being a bit late) before 8:00 pm and it was nice time and mood for the crackers!

Sunday, December 31, 2006


i like to walk in the rain so that no one can see my tears
i like to sit in the dark so that i can't see that i am alone
i like to talk to the walls so that no one can laugh at me
i like to tear pages off my diary, looks like i can change my destiny

i am afraid of being lost, i refrain from open spaces
i am afraid of going deaf, so i talk in whispers
i am afraid of looking into the mirror, what if i don't recognize my face?
i am afraid of choking to death, so i avoid embraces

i have tried pretty hard, but i can't remember my name
i have wept all night, in return, some joy may appear today
i have packed my bags, the passing year may take me along
i have broken all glassware, death seems so easy that way

i want to remove my heart, it has become a hipocrite
i want to kill all those who love me, they are not the ones i love
i want to fall in love with death; i know, one day, she'll be mine
i just want to have a sudden accident while playing with the knife.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Can't find reason to be happy
can't really pull things together...

don't want to wipe off the dust
on the glass panes of the window
don't want to read the cracks
on the dried leaf
that entered through the window
one afternoon
and has ever since, been captivated
between the pages of the diary...

Can't sleep well at nights
a day full of haps, rather mishaps
plays on the mind
the lamp post outside
stands alone
its light..., strives hard,
fights the palm leaves,
finds the only possible way
through the broken glass window,
enters the grave-dark room,
stabbing the darkness.

You wake up... irritated,
get off the bed
cover the window with heavy curtains,
and go to bed...

I am not the one...

I know,
i am not the one...
in your heart

I am not the light of love...
you look at
in stormy nights of emotions
when perceptions mislead
when senses die out
and feelings are numb
when dreams beckon
besides your own shadow
there you stand
all by yourself
waiting for someone


My world closing in on me
choking my soul
my eyes refuse to open up
in an endeavour
to hold on to the fainting dream
my heart strives hard to reach you
leaving me behind
besides the ocean of vacuum

With wet eyes
searching for your inexistent reflection
in the stagnant water
of overflowing madness

I ask myself:
Who is she?
on the opposite end
waiting perhaps
for someone
to cross this ocean
to enlighten her destiny
with divine love...

I am not the one...

The Enigma of Celebration

last night,
when it wasn't that dark
and the echoes of the distant cries
were faint
the moon:
so clear it was
and i saw you,
your reflection,
there in the sky
and you seemed in doubt

when you slept
you dreamt
and the whole cosmos conspired
to make you believe
that it was your day
that waited on the other end
of the beckoning darkness

but then, you
like a child
refused to open your eyes
in an endeavour
to hold on to the fainting dream

you put up a question:
why should one celebrate?
the day of arrival
to this 'hellish' land

but O dear!
its the joy of existence that we celebrate
and since "we"- perhaps the busiest on earth,
cannot celebrate everyday,
we choose dates
or rather excuses,
to escape the monotony
and re-ignite the fire within
to cherish what passed
and to accept
what awaits

it is your day altogether
though nothing different
from other days,
it brings you
a lovely chance to feel
the immense lightness of being
its the day of "free-will"

my dear friend!
the peg of life
awaits you
live up to it...


-this one i wrote for one of the sweetest friends life has blessed me with... she was just a bit lonely and down on the day b4 her birthday and i thought i tried to cheer her up with these lines...

lachrymania...sorry this is not a poem

Once again
they turn over to me
with the same hypnotising power
my words again fail to evolve
they slip on my wet heart

I don't love her
not many would
she's not beautiful
but her eyes... could kill me

Those eyes
i've seen always
looking towards, and not at
and creating a mania in me
to read those inexpressive eyes
to see my reflection in there

I knew she didn't blink often
nor have i seen her cry
and on the phone
she refused to have seen me
last afternoon
on the roof

i don't think she's the only one
among the beauties around here
with such overwhelming eyes
neither would many of them say:

"Sorry i didn't tell you earlier.
last year, i had a nervous disorder
and my tear gland,
medically, the lachrymal was damaged
i am sorry but i can't see"

I just want her see this one...,


why has the pen stopped?
the ink seems faded
words refuse to come out
is the poet dying?
is he...
heading for a breakdown?
or is it the urge to write
and the numbness of his thoughts
conspiring together to finish him off.

his papers fly off
they don't anymore, wish to be scrubbed on
his pen feels slaved
deep inside... he's bleeding
memories consumong him...
bit by bit
he's overwhelmed with emotions
but something in his throat, blocks the way

the poet... is alone, and wounded
and tired, and blamed
and his destiny
plays tricks on him
All's lost
but he doesn't want to give up
his hands are sore
and fingers trembling
he may not hold a pen again in his life
but will he be able to finish this one...?

i wish i hadn't known you

i wish i hadn't loved you...

i wish i hadn't seen you
smile back at me.. that day
i wish i hadn't seen love in your eyes..
though it wasn't there, anyway

i wish i hadn't known i had a heart
a one that has learnt to cry
i wish i could de-heart myself
i wonder... i should try

i wish you.. were she
and i.. some he
i just wish all this
hadn't happened to me


a string broke from the guitar
the sound helped me realize
death may not be that painful,that far

i spent hours searching for my vein
with the blade in my hand
i just wanted to make it quick
cuz time's slipping out like sand

even the dagger wouldn't work
fear played on me
Jesus! He was crucified
so do i want to be

push the barrel through my mouth
shatter it all in a blow
i don't want to see blood
even the echoes shouldn't show

hang me by my tongue
nail it to some chain
death is not what i ask for
what i beg for, is some more pain

The Broken Wing

When he fell,it was getting dark.
The same sun which,
an hour ago,
was the mightiest,
was the crown
of this living world;
was at its bare feet
striving perhaps,
For help
to avoid his destiny
to avoid drowning in the gulp of the sea of darkness.

He realized:
crawling, somewhere inside,
was the repentance,
of having
A broken wing
or rather
Having a wing...'broken'.

He felt
his feelings dying off,
He could see
his sight fainting
And above all,
he could hear
the silent moaning
Of his bruised soul.

He tried to rebel
against the thought
That this was his destiny
to lay brazen
under the same overshadowing sky
Which he ruled once.

He dreamt of The Elixir of Life
as the Alchemist would call it.
But he was sure
His ruined spirit
would never be the same again.

Though he will die
but the reception
of the knowledge
Of all the lives on this earth
With all their bruised souls and their broken wings
and their repentances;
in silent whispers
of the Soul of The World,
was his Prize.

Middle Berth #34

i don't want to look at her
and i think i won't... anymore
but i know i do...

i am middle berth, no. 37
and she..., at #34
right here, before me
unable to resist
catching my glances

she talks like the rain
and walks like the river
she smiles the spring
and sleeps like the flower
and she's even more irresistable
when her long hair brushes her face
cuz she tries to pretend
looking at her book
when i knew distinctly
she wasn't

at first thought
i like her
coz she's 18
and i am 19
but the next moment
i think the other way

i know she is not ignorant
cuz our eyes did meet
cuz she did talk to me
as i said..., like the rain
but she often gave up

i can't stop thinking
why has she done this?
she's gorgeous
and she told me she works
i suggest myself
pretty much, in vain
was it.. a mistake?
a case of love, deep, eternal, divine?
or... force?

its so dark
and i still try to catch a look
of that sleeping flower
who, in turn
manages to catch me staring
making me act...

i really don't want to look at her
cuz she's Mrs. Das
and Mr. Das, at no. 35,
is 31